no 5 ni..mmg no feveret aku!
ni dari my facebook..aku lahir bln this is what the month said about who ever born in this month…
mai..kite tgk ramai2..tul ke x…
* Stubborn and hard-hearted
BETUL! sokong 100%..hehehe..
* Strong-willed and highly motivated
yg nie..aku rase betul..korang rase cam ne?
* Sharp thoughts
yg ni pun same..tul2 perasan aku nie..hehehe
* Easily angered
mmg pun..kan? family+friends+lover...
sume ckp cam tu.. 
* Attracts others and loves attention
gulp! xtaw....x terkate laa…
* Deep feelings
yup! this is right for me..
* Beautiful physically and mentally
eh? btl ye..aku x sangka lak..
hahahaha..terperasan jap..
* Firm standpoint
erm..xtaw laa plak yg nie..tul ke?
* Easily influenced
mne de..uneasy laa wei..
* Needs no motivation
wah!! tipu...i really need motivation..
* Easily consoled
ye ke?
* Systematic (left brain)
de org pnh ckp kat aku..aku ni alwayz use left ne nk make surekan? sape taw?
* Loves to dream
* Strong clairvoyance
ini adalah 1 kelebihan diri aku..btl..xtipu..
* Understanding
yg ni kena tnye org2 yg rpt ngn aku..huhuhu 
* Sickness usually in the ear and neck
* Good imagination
daya imaginasiku sangat tinggi..lalalala...
* Good debating skills
sometimes laa....bile dh bengang kot..
* Good physical
dont think so.. 
* Weak breathing
i have asthma..
* Loves literature and the arts
literature tu sometimes..but! hate it..
* Loves travelling
kaki berjalan...aku laa orgnya..tul x b?
* Dislike being at home
hishh..x jgk..suke kdg2 laa..
* Restless
restless?? nope!
* Hardworking ke? hikhik..
* High spirited
* Spendthrift
owhh..tidak..saye ni pemboros orgnya..
sape lahir bln 5…
try laa ye..tgk de persamaan ke x..
juz for fun..dan jgk..
tuk mengenali lebih mendalam diri kite…
My Name Numerology is 5 based on below formula :
Below are the analysis result for number 5 :
ENTERTAINER, will network, innovate and help transform mainstream concepts.
wow! entertainer tu..huhuhu.. Friendly Numbers: 1, 4, 6
Enemy Numbers: 2
Day: Wednesday
Color: Green
Gem: Emerald
Metal: Gold
Body Chemistry: Balanced
Karmic Lesson: Sobriety
Best Suited Professions: Business men, investors, bankers, stock brokers
sesuai…ngn course aku skunk nie!
Compatible numbers for :
- Business: 3, 5, 9
- Marriage: 3, 5, 9
- Romance: 3, 5, 6, 8
let’s try…
have fun!